Thursday, January 24, 2019

Discovering Your Theme: January 24, 2019

Focus: What's your theme?

1. Warming up with Harlem Renaissance-inspired creative writing; please click HERE for your choices and student examples (15-20 minutes)
2. Finishing yesterdays activity with gathering and reflecting upon at least three pieces of Harlem Renaissance art on your blog

Aaron Douglas
Jacob Lawrence
Palmer Hayden
Lois Mailou Jones

Your goal: Use your blog today to collect paintings that you might want to use in your Renaissance Little Project. Maybe they relate to the poem you wrote at the beginning of class. Maybe they remind you of something we've watched/read/talked about this semester. Maybe you just like the look of it.
  • Paste the paintings and their links into your blog. 
  • Be sure to include their titles, artists, and if possible, dates.
  • For at least THREE of the paintings, try an MMM approach (moments, movements, meanings). You can type this on your blog underneath the paintings.
  • Click HERE for an example from last year.

3. (If time allows) Taking your theme and running with it: Working on your Renaissance Little Projects and developing a project plan

Click HERE for the project plan!

1. By TOMORROW, please watch the Harlem Renaissance documentary linked below. It will give you the background on the Harlem Renaissance that you need to succeed this week. You can start the documentary 15 minutes into it

*WARNING: If you choose to watch the first 15 minutes (not required), there are upsetting photographs of lynchings between minutes 5 and 7.*

Documentary link: Making a Way Out of No Way

On Friday, you will be asked to take about 15 minutes to fill out a reflection sheet on the documentary. It will be divided into Level 1, 2, and 3 thinking. As long as you watched the documentary, you will be just fine. No need to memorize anything.

2. By Monday, finish your project PLAN. Renaissance Little Project due by February 1.

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