Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Digging Into Puritan Artifacts: August 21, 2018

Focus: What can we infer about Puritans from the artifacts they left behind?

1. Warming up with the gravestones of a two famous Americans together
2. Setting up and sharing Google folders; establishing what you know and want to know about Puritans and the Salem Witch Trials

Step 1: Create a Google folder called ______(your last name only) American Lit

Step 2: Share it with me at kleclaire@lps.k12.co.us

Step 3: Within your American Lit folder, create a "1st Semester" folder.

Step 4: Within your 1st Semester folder, create a "Cultural Hysteria" folder.

Step 5: Within that "Cultural Hysteria folder, create a doc called "Puritans" (or something similar).

[Random Step: Sign up for our class Remind account by clicking HERE.]

In your "Puritans" doc, you need three sections, but the organization is up to you. 

*If you'd like a note catcher, click HERE and make a copy. Otherwise, experiment until you figure out what works for you. *

Basically, here's what you need:

  • What I'm observing about the Puritans and their gravestones
  • What I want to know / questions I have about Puritans and the Salem Witch Trials
  • What I'm inferring about Puritans and the Salem Witch Trials

3. Walking through a Puritan graveyard with a focus on observing, questioning, and inferring

4. Close reading a Puritan Primer in small groups
  • What is the purpose of the primer? What is this thing?
  • Besides grammar, what patterns are you noticing? What kinds of words does the primer use? What you make of these words?
  • What does the Puritan Primer reveal about the Puritans?
5. Returning to our semester focus:

So far, what do you think the Puritans feared? What might they have done to feel safe?

  • Post one big, important, unanswered question about Puritans or the Salem Witch Trials on today's class blog (underneath this post, there's a link that says "Comment(s)"--make sure you're logged into Google, then click on that link, write your question, and post it).
  • Please ask your parents/guardians to read and sign the course syllabus by Wednesday, August 22.
  • Sign up for success! Click HERE to join our class Remind account.

2. If you have not yet done so, please complete the survey I e-mailed to you, linked HERE. Urge your parents to complete theirs, too (linked here). They're not due until Friday, August 24, but the sooner you fill yours out, the sooner I can be a better teacher to you.

3. Make sure you bring your charged LAPTOP to class each day, starting today.


  1. Why do they have a dark vibe instead of making it happy and trying to celebrate their life?

    1. They are predestined to go to heaven or hell when they are born, so they have to say you live either as you were heading to heaven or hell.

  2. What purpose did the detail on the gravestone serve as?

  3. What is the significance of death in their religion?

  4. Why do they spell certain words differently? Is their a meaning behind them spelling them like that?

  5. Do the belive in a pgan religion? And if so, how to the gravestones relate to it?

  6. How do Puritans view their purpose in life?

  7. What do you think the main purpose and devotion to life, for a puritan was based off of the grave stones?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What kind of punishment do the Puritans believe in? Whatever punishments they believe in, does it reflect on their headstones?

  10. What was the Puritans lifestyle/society like?

  11. What caused the puritans to use the skulls instead of a full being or something with a more personal vibe?

  12. How did the Puritans beliefs impact their daily life?

  13. Where do the Puritans originate from, and did they transfer some of their lands culture on their tombstones?

  14. Who invented this concept of the Puritans?

  15. What were the Puritans beleifs of life after death?

  16. Do the symbols stand for something in the gravestone?

  17. There are a bunch of different skulls so what makes them choose a certain one?

  18. Is there a reason that some of the skulls are different on the gravestones or does it not have any meaning to it?

  19. In MJ's and JW's memorial gravestones there are stories about what they devoted their life to- why on the Puritan's gravestones do they not have something resembling what that specific person devoted their life to?

  20. why do all the puritan gravestones look the same, and why are they not personalized for the person who died?

  21. Is there different meaning so the different types of skulls on the gravestones or are they just different designs that don't have a meaning to their social class?

  22. Are the puritans trying to show the dark and light side of the person buried through symbolism?

  23. Why do puritans not have the same imagery for death/gravestones as other catholic societies?

  24. Why do the puritans engrave a skull and wings as oppose to one or the other?

  25. Why is the writing the same on every tombstone?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Was there a type of social class which made the designs so intricate or were they all equal?

  28. Is the reason why they are all the same is due to the high death rate?

  29. Do the different designs on the gravestones have different meanings.

  30. What is the Puritan's purpose in life?

  31. Why does there seem to be no remorse for their dead at all?

  32. Why did the Puritans mark exact dates of death on gravestones, yet only used general terms for age instead of a date of birth?

  33. Why do some stones have angle wings and some have bones? Does that mean the people with the wings are the people "going to heaven" and the people buried are the ones "going to hell"?


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...