Friday, August 31, 2018

Observe, Question, and Discover: August 31, 2018

Focus: How can simple observations and questions lead to discoveries?

1. Warming up a brief quiz on Puritan Words, List 1

2. Introducing your first one-minute speech prompt
  • Make a claim.
  • Support it with at least two pieces of evidence.
3. Working on an annotated bibliography to gather and assess research
  • Click here for an overview of the what/why/how of the annotated bibliography
  • Click here for a sample annotated bibliography from last year.

4. Cooling down with a Friday freewrite

We can't find the solution until we first examine the problem.

Questioning --> Researching --> Observing --> Better Questioning --> Thesis

1. Do your best to finish your annotated bibliography (about 5 entries) by the end of class on Tuesday; make sure it's in your "Cultural Hysteria" folder.  This grade will go in your "Growth" category.

2. If it's in your budget or on your bookshelf, please acquire your own copy of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.

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