Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Crossing the Threshold: September 26, 2018

Focus: How will the characters' quests unfold?

1. Warming up with a crucial step in the first stage of the hero's journey: Crossing the threshold

  • Viewing an example from Moana; in your "in-class thoughts" document, please respond to the follow questions (start around 13:10-32:00):
    • What is Moana's safe zone? Why compels her to leave it?
    • What is her "dangerous unknown"? What makes it so risky?
    • What happens on her first attempt to cross the threshold? Why?
    • What happens on her second attempt? Why is the outcome different?
    • What gives her the courage to cross the threshold?
  • What is Oskar's safe zone? What compels him to leave it?
  • What is his dangerous unknown? Why makes it so risky?
  • What gives him the courage to cross the threshold? 
  • What won't he venture into yet?
  • What about Thomas? And the Grandmother? What are their safe zones and what is their dangerous unknown? To what extent have they crossed the threshold?

3. Reading ELIC, journalling, and conferencing (click HERE for the conference rubric)

1. For Thursday: Read pages 142-173 in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; complete your 4th journal entry. You can continue journalling in the same way, or you can try out some of the creative options above! Whatever you do, make sure you post it on your blog:

If you miss a Fishbowl or Socratic, you must make it up. Fishbowl: Read over the syllabus and blog comments, then add an extended comment to the class blog. Socratic: Read over the syllabus and the class notes, then add an extended comment to the class blog.

2. All make-up work, missing work, and revisions must be submitted by this Friday, Sep 28. After this date, grades from the first 6 weeks will stand as they are.


  1. How do the white pages represent the emptiness the grandma feels?

  2. I think the sixth sparrow represents that if you doubt your self even once you will never see something that is right in front of you


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...