Thursday, February 7, 2019

Analyzing Power and Empathy in the 1950s: February 7, 2019

Focus: What do we need understand about power and empathy in 1950s America?

Offering you a quick preview of tomorrow...

1. Warming up with a 1950s timeline

On the back of your note catcher, try to analyze the larger patterns of the 1950s by making a complex claim:
  • The 1950s was a time of ___________ but also _____________.

2. Jigsawing on the 1950s Color Line topics; gathering background using this note catcher

2nd Hour Links:
Neighborhoods and the Color Line
Racial Terrorism

3. Considering the play's title, Fences
  • Find an image of a fence. Copy and paste it into a document inside your "Race and Power" folder.
  • What do fences keep in?
  • What do fences keep out?
  • Read the opening descriptions in the play:
    • What connections can you make between what you learned about in our jigsaw discussions and what you're seeing in the play so far? 
    • Why might the play be called Fences? What does this have to do with the color line?
1. For TOMORROW: Be ready to teach others about your 1950s topic in a jigsaw format.

2. For FRIDAY: Click on THIS WEBSITE and follow the three steps below:

Step 1: Read the short article under the photographs for a little context. The embedded 4 minute video on Jim Crow and the rise of the KKK is optional.

Step 2: Click on the gallery and peruse the 33 photos of race relations in 1950s America. Be sure to read the little blurbs to the right so that you know what you're looking at.

Step 3: Select ONE photo that particularly strikes you, and paste it into your blog. Perform and MMM reading on it on your blog and post it.

M = Moments (which particular details in the photograph make you pause / take a moment?)

M = Movement (what larger movements / patterns do you notice? For this assignment, feel free to compare this photo to the others you perused as well.)

M= Meaning (what larger meaning can you take away from this photo? What do you think this photographer wants us to understand better or differently by reading this photo?)

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Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...