Thursday, April 4, 2019

Close Reading: April 4, 2019

Focus: What can we learn by close-reading Fitzgerald's details?

1. Warming up with beautiful words from Chapters 4, 5, and 6
  • Fold a sheet of paper in half, hot-dog orientation. On the left side, write out your beautiful words.
  • Find one symbolic element from your "beautiful words" passage (something concrete, like an object, a color, the weather, etc. that represents something abstract)
  • What are you noticing about how Fitzgerald uses this symbolic element?
  • Are there any connections between what you're looking at and the book's cover? Does it help you understand anything about the cover?
  • Quick gallery walk with three sticky notes: 
    • Identify something you like.
    • Ask a meaningful question.
    • Make a connection between what this person wrote about and what you wrote about.
2. Enjoying Fishbowl #4: The Great Gatsby, Chapter 6

3. Wrapping up with questions, kudos, and epiphanies

1. Start reading Chapter 7. It's not due for a week, but you'll want a week to read it (it's twice the length of the other chapters, and it gets pretty crazy).

2. FRIDAY is the end of the 12-week grading period; all make-up work, revisions, etc. due before you go to sleep tomorrow. When you make up a fishbowl discussion, please let me know.


  1. How does Fitzgerald connect time and the color blue to this story?

  2. Why is the most of the cover blue?

    1. One of the reasons the cover may be blue is because it is the sky. Since there is a little city in the bottom of the title. It also may represent how "blue" the story becomes because of the deaths that we are going to experience later.

    2. I think that the cover is blue because the color blue is kind of sad and Gatsby is sad in some ways. Gatsby is sad becuse he has a lot of things but for a while he did not have the only one thing that he really wanted and that was Daisy. Another thing that Gatsby could be sad about is his family becuse his whole family did in a house fire even though that was a long time before this. The last reason why I think Gatsby could be sad is becuse he has gone through so much hurt in sadness in his life when he was in the army an had to go to war.

  3. How many different things does the color blue represent and what do the bright yellow and red colors on the bottom of the cover represent?

    1. I think that blue represents all of the sadness in the book and the bright yellow and red colors represent the city or Gatsby's big extravagant parties.

    2. I think the bright colors represent hope. The blue is overcoming the fun that they are having. With or without alcohol and parties, they should be able to have fun in their lives, especially because some of them are in love. I think that the blue may be how they are being englufed in sadness and hopelessness but there is still something to hold onto because of the brightness at the bottom.

  4. What do you think that the yellow and red are at the bottom of the cover?

  5. Why is Daisy such an important part of this book, is she symbolizing a different meaning?

    1. I think that Daisy is such an important part because she is symbolizing Gatsby's past and his happiness she is also showing the relationships between all the characters in the book.

  6. Who are the people in the pupils of the eye on the cover in the book and what do they represent? Is the face on the front of the page from the billboard or is it a different character?

    1. I think the people in the pupils of the eyes on the cover of the book symbolize or represent the people that are in your life. If we take a inner look and realize that maybe the person represented on the cover is Daisy I feel like the people might be Tom and Gatsby. Her two loves of her life that she was with and know realizes is in love. I think the face on the front of the cover is Daisy because like Leclaire was saying Gatsby quoted that when Daisy's hair was stuck to her forehead it looked like a swish of blue paint. The blue paint to me symbolizes hope and sadness like it normally does when we talk about the symbolic meaning of colors. What are your answers to your questions?

  7. Why does Daisy always want nick around to look after her when she is with Gatsby? I think this could relate to the cover because there is not distinct outline of a head and its like they are in the dark which is what nick is doing in this passage on page 105

    1. I think that Daisy wants him around because they have each others trust. He has been there for Daisy. Since Gatsby really likes her and they are together I think Tom wants her even more. He messed up and that is something you can't fix. I also think that since Daisy is slipping away from Tom he realizes what he is losing. I hope that Daisy ends up with Gatsby in the end.

  8. What do the people in the eyes represent?

    1. I think it represents how you are always conflicted. Your self conscious is always arguing with you to do the right thing. Especially with all the illegal alcohol in this book and abuse. So the little people in the eyes may be the conflict that they are fighting against for dong the morally right thing in The Great Gatsby.

  9. Why does the girl on the cover so faint? Is this a statement about things lasting "forever"?

    1. I hadn't thought of this before, but it seems important. She's faint, yet she outlines the entire picture. I wonder if there's a connection the eyes of TJ Eckelberg here?

  10. At the bottom it looks like a city with fireworks going off. Where do you think this is taking place and why?

    1. I think that the bright colors at the bottom of the cover are supposed to be representing Gatsby house and how its grand. I also think this because Gatsby's parties also have huge bright fireworks capping of the ending of the party.

    2. The reds and yellows at the bottom of the cover could possibly represent the hope or happiness that is in the book while the rest of the cover is blue and could represent the guilt and sadness.

    3. I think the bright colors represent Gatsby's parties. I also wonder that if the eyes and face on the cover represent Daisy. If that was the case then I think having the fireworks smaller and the face bigger show what is behind the fireworks or the face.

  11. What is the significance of the two humans in eyes on the cover of the book. At first they seems like little streaks of fire or birds almost but if you look closer you can see that there are people in the eyes. This stands out to me the most because of the unusual shape the two bodies have.

    1. I think it goes to the phrase, "eyes lead to the soul". If it were possible to know who the people were then maybe we could understand the greater symbolism.


  12. does "the dripping bare lilac trees" represent a calm after the storm? How will this relate to Gatsby and Daisies relationship?

  13. The green streak on the front is strangely ambiguous. It reminds me of an exclamation point, a tear drop, and a rain streak. What do these elements have to do with the novel?

    1. I think it’s symbolism because it is the same as the colors of the buildings. It’s kind of like a tear drop so such a bright tear drop may symbolize things that look great on the outside but not so great in reality. Just like the parties, and the wealth, and hustle of the city.

  14. On the right of the lips there is a letter T , what is that supposed to represent? Do you think it maybe has to do with tom?

    1. Yeah I think it does. I think the face is Daisy and she is the center of love between Gatsby and Tom. The main conflict in the book is because of her.

  15. Why doesn't the face have a nose?

    1. In chapter 6 Daisys eyes were often talked about and so was her voice so maybe it has to do with Daisy and how her eyes and voice/mouth are what is more focused on.

    2. I think it partially mimics the billboard from the start of the book in the valley of ashes. It said the billboard was fading away and was being left with the eyes.

    3. Everything about Daisy (like her eyes and her voice) has been mentioned except her nose. Maybe they left it out for a reason but I don't know why.

  16. Why are the eyes purple, and what is being used for the pupil?

    1. I think purple was used for the eyes because Daisy is elgant and looked at by others a lot so it may represent the sparkles of her eyes and beauty behind her real emotions

  17. What is the symbolism behind the green streak on the cover?

    1. That green color is the same color as some of the buildings in the city and it kind of looks like the teardrop. Is it symbolism that the material things of the city and the wealthy may not always bring happiness but may bring other emotions sometimes.

    2. I agree with that. It could also represent the light on Tom's dock.

    3. Great connection to the green light! I want to talk about this more in class. It's interesting that the green light kind of goes out once Gatsby has Daisy, and Fitzgerald writes about Gatsby's list of "enchanted objects" being diminished by one.

  18. What was the artist trying to accomplish by having a sad looking face?

    1. I think the sad looking face on the cover relates to the tone of the book. In my personal life if my day is not super great my face will show it. Which is why I think Daisy's face on the cover is so sad looking because of the tone in the book.

  19. Are the people in the eyes Nick and Gatsby?

    1. It's quite possible. We honestly have no idea but I think it is them. Who else would it be. The main story revolves around both Nick and Gatsby.

  20. Why is Daisy scared to fully commit to Gatsby if she's in such an unhealthy relationship?

    1. She may be scared that gatsby may be the same around her as Tom does. It could be an underlining unsettlement where she can’t trust as much. But gatsby is also starting to show his true self so once daisy sees that she may commit more.

    2. There's part of me that wonders if Daisy actually does love Tom, or at least wants Tom to love her and make her the center of his universe (the way Gatsby has). It's interesting to me how little she tries to hide the affair, almost like she's trying to get Tom's attention.

    3. I think that Gatsby loves Daisy or atleast the thought of her. I also think that Gatsby thinks that daisy really loves him because of the way Gatsby perceives Daisy. To me Daisy hasn't ended it with Tom because of his wealth and power and the benefits she recieves because of that, which is why I feel like Daisy brushes of the fact that he is having an affair. The more I read the more I find out about Daisy and what he intentions really are. In my perspective Daisy is only worried about herself and will be with whom ever will help her be the most elegant rich women.

  21. I think that the cover of the book is Daisy and that in her eyes the two people are Gatsby and Tom as she sees both of them as her lovers but is conflicted between the two. Both have had a huge influence on her and have had relationships but is she willing to divorce Tom for Gatsby. What does Gatsby have to prove to Daisy to take him back? What is Daisy waiting for Gatsby to do to give him her love?

    1. I agree with this a lot and think that it is a very interesting theory. Mrs.Leclaire, what do you think about it?

    2. I think you make a great point! The conflict in daisy between gatsby and Tom is a staple to the plot of this book. Because it’s specifucally under one eye Do you think the tear drop or green streak on one side has anything to do with the people in the eyes?

    3. I think the teardrop from her eye is showing how much it hurts her to pick between the two but I think there may be some sort of fight between Gatsby and Tom in front of Daisy or a possible chance of death as Ms. Leclaire stated the next chapter we will start getting into people dying and death.

    4. I would disagree. In the book it says Gatsby's eyes were bright and tired. This was after his failed party with Daisy. I think even though the eyes are Daisy's, they have more symbolism relating to Gatsby.

    5. Thanks, Matt! I think Daisy is enjoying being the center of a man's attention (since she seems to be on the periphery of Tom's life). I'm not sure if she's enjoying having two men in her life or if she feels tortured by it...Tom is the brutal present, and Gatsby is the idealized past. I think she doesn't know which one to choose.

  22. On page 105 there is a quote that says, "Daisy and Gatsby danced. I remember being suprised by his graceful, conservative fox-trot-I had never seen him dance before," do you think that Daisy is bringing out something different in Gatsby or why do you think he is dancing for the first time.

    1. I think that Gatsby is learning that he has to make an effort in other ways than just floating his money out in front of her. I think that Gatsby is changing for Daisy because he realizes that his life is missing something and he is trying to fill that void.

  23. Do you think in the book when it talks about how hot it is outside it actually is a symbol of something else?

    1. It could be a sign of destruction to the town coming up or it could simply be describing the weather but I think its a warning sign for later in the book.

  24. On the bottom of page 107 they are talking about bootleggers. Do you think that this is brought up for a specific reason or was it natural conversation?

    1. I think that it might have been brought up about possible work for Nick or something along those lines. I don't think it was an accident.

  25. Don't worry, guys. Just because nobody's asking for (Le)clarification doesn't mean I feel left out. Nope. I don't feel left out at all.

    1. Matt asked up above in an answer to Spye's question.

  26. How does God and Gatsby relate together?

  27. How does Gatsby interaction with Mr.Sloane and the girl show off Gatsby social skills and what does it say about his social skills?


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...