Thursday, April 11, 2019

Driving Forces: April 11, 2019

Focus: What are the driving forces behind the death in Chapter 7?

Image result for great gatsby memes

1. Warming up with Henry's cars and a hands-on analysis of Myrtle's vehicular homicide

Each kit contains the following: A yellow car, a blue car, a "Myrtle", and a random car coming from the opposite direction.

Level 1: Reenact what happens in Chapter 7 with the cars. Who's in which car on the way there and the way back? Where are they going and why? Who is driving each car? Why do they switch around?

Level 2: Analyze Fitzgerald's choices here. Why did he make this so complicated? Why does it matter that _________ ran over ________? Why is _________'s car? Why are the car colors symbolic? Why this manner of death?

Level 3: What is Fitzgerald trying to teach us about...recklessness? Love? Lust? Dreams? Respect? 

2. Enjoying a silent Socratic on Chapter 7 (25 min)

3. Wrapping up out loud with your responses to any of the questions below: Go around the room and share your thoughts out loud, one at a time.
  • Why might Fitzgerald have chosen to kill of Myrtle? How is the way she died significant?
  • What rising conflict lead up to this moment?
  • Any other interesting questions/comments from today's blog?
1. Make sure your blog entries are caught up through Chapter 7.

2. For TUESDAY: Please read Chapter 8 and complete your journal. Leaders should read ahead so that they can prepare their syllabus.


  1. on the way there Gatsby and Daisy were in Toms car while Tom Nick and Jordan were in Gatsby's car they stopped for gas this is were Myrtle and Wilson saw them in the yellow car and then on the way back Daisy was driving with Gatsby in Gatsby's yellow car while Tom was in his car with Nick and Jordan and when they passed Wilsons shop they stopped and where thought to be the people who killed Myrtle when it was really Daisy. I think he made this so complicated because he wanted the readers to be as confused as they people are when Myrtle dies. Normally yellow represents happiness so we think the color has something to do with the fact the yellow car brings death which is normally unlikely. We also noticed the blue and yellow are on the cover of the book. We think that Fitzgerald is trying to teach us that love doesn't always work out like we hope and dream it does. My group was Marc, David B, Jules, MaKayla

    1. I really like your group's train of thought on this idea in chapter 7. I think that the yellow association with death could also mean that with all good, there's going to be bad that comes along with it, which is something we all just have to accept and remember.

    2. I agree with all of your thoughts they really so some of the symbols more in depth and help me understand what went on in chapter 7 and in your summery i think that you caught all of the main points and that all of the points that you said where really important and showed some more significance that also helps us understand thee rest of the book.

  2. Why does one of the witnesses say that they saw a green car but then it switches to a yellow car?

    1. Maybe the color yellow is trying to symbolize happiness and the author is trying to communicate that some positive things can come out of this occurrence.

    2. Going back to last fishbowl I discussed how the color white is always represented when Daisy is around as the color of a daisy flower is white. I think that the yellow represents daisy on the inside as we have known she hasn't discussed much about her feelings but when you look at a flower daisy the middle is yellow. I believe that the yellow represents Daisy showing her affection and true feelings and why the color of car she drives when killing Myrtle.

    3. I think that the colors of the cars switched because the colors blue and yellow mix in order to get green so it was a mix of Gatsby and tom in the car becuse they thought it was tom at first that hit myrtle but it was actually Gatsby that started by driving the blue car and then ended up hitting myrtle in his own car that was yellow.

  3. Why does Gatsby and tom switch cars when they could just drive their own?

    1. They switch because Gatsby is worried about the amount of gas he has and Tom doesn't want him to pull a fast one.

    2. I think Tom insisted of switching cars because his wife feels that she should swap her love. Of course Tom planned on taking Daisy but Daisy wanted to go with Gatsby. This shocks Tom, as Gatsby now rides off with Tom's girl in Tom's own car.

    3. I think it was to show that tom thought that him and Gatsby were equal and had the same amount of money and that they bot had a chance at daisy.

  4. Why do we choose to only listen to certain people and believe what they have to say?

    1. I think we do that because certain people have more credibility in our minds, and we tend to like certain people more than others.

    2. I agree with Marc because we listen to people that have a higher education then us and we listen and respond to people who we think know what they are doing. I also think that we only listen to certain people because we only know certain people and only listen to people we know

    3. I agree with Marc. Some people have more influence on our decision making than others.

    4. I think its all based on trust. Throughout life people we know better have more of our trust than people we don't know as well and we will believe and listen to people we trust more than people we dont trust.

    5. I think that in this book they seem to listen to the people that have more money and they let them have a bigger better opinion in all of the decisions.

  5. On the way there Gatsby and Daisy were in Tom's car while Nick, Tom, and Jordan were in Gatsby's car. If you can picture it this is where Myrtle and Wilson watched them in the yellow car, Gatsby's car, on the street. Then on the way back Daisy was driving with Gatsby in Gatsby's yellow car while Tom was in his car with Nick and Jordan and when they passed Wilson's shop they stopped and where thought to be the people who killed Myrtle when it was really Daisy and Gatsby. I think Fitzgerald made this so complicated because he wanted the readers to be as confused as probably the characters were when Myrtle dies. Yellow as a color normally represents this sense of happiness and hope but in this scene it is the complete opposite. I think what Fitzgerald is telling us about love is that sometimes it is complicated and you don't always will get what you want. To answer what Fitzgerald is trying to tell us about recklessness is that sometimes you have reckless love but it can turn the other way, Myrtle's death.

    -Emma, David C, Hayes

    1. I agree with this. Love can be just as complicatede as the events of that night.

  6. So I am little confused, how does Daisy have a baby and who is the father? What is this going to do to the chemistry that Daisy and Gatsby have together? What will this do to Nick?

    1. I belive that Daisy had a child with Tom. I dont think that her child will have a massive effect on the story.

  7. Why is it significant that Myrtle got hit instead of some other character in the book?

    1. I think because Myrtle is kind of what holds this complicated intertwined love group together. So the fact that Fitzgerald chose to kill Myrtle off of the book instead of another character is what makes this so significant.

    2. I think they made it myrtle getting hit because Fitzgerald wants to teach us love isn't always what we accept and hope it should be. Tom just found out about Daisy and then his second "love" was then killed so his hope for love kind of blew up without him being able to do anything about it.

    3. Myrtle put herself in front of the car, and it is significant because Daisy ran her over when she was the girl Tom was having an affair with which shows that Daisy was hiding how she felt about Tom having an affair to portray a poster family but now that she is expressed her love for Gatsby she can break free from that fake life and everything that used to bother her and cause her to feel less then

  8. Faythe, Matt, Brandon, Emily

    Level 1 - On the way there Nick, Jordan and Tom in Gatsby's car. Gatsby and Daisy ride in Tom's car. On the way back Nick, Tom and Jordan ride together. Daisy suggested that they go to New York CIty. Daisy was driving the car that struck Myrtle.

    Level 2 - Fitzgerald made it so complicated because he wanted to try and make it as big of an event as possible. It matters that Daisy ran over Myrtle because it is almost Ironic because Tom has a thing with both of them. The colors of the cars are symbolic because Gatsbys car can represent wealth and that wealth is "powerful and dangerous" I think this is the manner of death because it is such a tragic event.

    Level 3 - This teaches us about recklessness, love, lust, dreams and respect because it is showing how when two individuals love each other, then they're lines will become blurry in what's right and what's wrong. All they care about is how they will benefit from it because in their eyes they are the only two in the world.

  9. I think it is significant because he was Tom's mistress and now it paints a bad light on Daisy for being with Gatsby. This could create a lot of jealousy because now Tom only has Daisy and Daisy is split between Tom and Gatsby.

    1. I think it is really important to notice that daisy is split in between tom and Gatsby. they both have there different perks and daisy has no idea who to chose.

  10. Are the eyes of T.J Eckleburg more important now? Will they gain any relevance?

    1. I think the eyes of TG Eckleburg in this scene are very important because in the beginning of the book it said how the eyes watch over everyone in the Valley of ashes, and now the eyes saw everything that happened and only they know the whole story so to me the represent a higher power that like knows all

    2. I think that they are becoming (symbolizing) something more important because it seems as though these are something that is watching them, especially Gatsby, and all these events are happening.

    3. I agree with Makayla with how its all sort of coming back together and making more sense.

    4. I think the eyes of TG Eckleburg are representative of the reader. The eyes oversee everything but can't do anything to stop the events of the story. Every time there was an introduction to a new event TG was mentioned.

  11. Group(Cole, Reid, Ella, Delan)
    1. In the beginning Gatsby and Daisy drove into town in Tom's coupe while Tom, Nick, and Jordan were in Gatsby's car. The reason for the switch around is so Tom could show off to Myrtle in a car that wasn't his. On the way back Daisy and Gatsby drove back in Gatsby's car and Tom drove back in his own car with Nick and Jordan.
    2. We think that it's very important that Daisy ran Myrtle over because they are both living very similar lives. In a way Daisy running over Myrtle was a warning almost to Daisy if she continued to follow the same path as Myrtle. Gatsby's car is used to kill Myrtle as his car was yellow. Yellow is the color of gold and thus wealth. A big reason Myrtle is having an affair is because she is dissatisfied with her current wealth. This chase toward wealth is what killed Myrtle.
    3. Fitzgerald is trying to teach us that we cannot blindly pursue or commit to a cause that doesn't exist. When Myrtle was running out to stop Gatsby's yellow car thinking it was Tom. She is blindly pursuing something that isn't there. Gatsby also does the same as he commits himself to Daisy's love. Gatsby has fired all his staff and hired shady people in fear that his staff would gossip about the affair.

  12. Could this have possibly been staged as an accident so that Tom could get with Daisy?

    1. I don't think so Daisy has expressed her love for Gatsby and is not afraid of tom finding out anymore.

    2. I don't feel like it could have been because we have learned that Daisy wanted to marry Gatsby all along but couldn't because of the love she found in Tom which I think was a marriage she didn't want. Also Marc I don't think that Tom would go so drastic as to kill someone they all knew and cared about deeply to make sure that his wife wouldn't leave him. I think that he knew this was going to happen anyway.

    3. This could definitely be a possibility. Tom might be jealous Daisy is back with Gatsby and is trying to get back at them.

  13. Why does Gatsby let Daisy drive his car?
    How does Myrtle symbolic to Fitzgerald's wife Zelda?

    1. I think Gatsby lets Daisy drive because its a sign that he trusts her and doesn't think bad of her.

  14. It seems as though Daisy can't decide who to be with (Gatsby or Tom) so how do you think that she will finally decide who she wants?

    1. I think that Daisy will end up not decideing to be with either of them.

    2. I agree with jud becuse they both have downfalls to them and are both trying to compete to much just for daisy and in the end if she wanted to pick then she would have to make a decision but she didn't have to make the decision right then..

  15. What is symbolic of Tom and Gatsby switching cars before Myrtle was murdered?

    1. It symbolizes a swtich in who Daisy loves the most.

  16. How will Gatsby be effected by the death of Myrtle?

    1. I don't think he'll be very affected because he didn't seem to have that strong of a connection with Myrtle.

  17. Do you think that Gatsby has a criminal record or how do you think he got all his money? Is Tom right about the bootlegging and how will Daisy think about if he has a background?

    1. I think that it is possible that Gatsby has a criminal record as he never seems to explain how he got his money.

  18. Level 1: On the way to New York, Tom is driving Gatsby's car and Gatsby is driving Tom's car. As they return from New York, Gatsby and Daisy now driving Gatsby's car are spotted by Myrtle. Thinking that its Tom, who she wants to run away with, she steps into the road to stop them. But it is actually an upset Daisy who is driving and doesn't stop for Myrtle.

    Level 2:
    I think he made it complicated to emphasize what this event means. There is a lot of emotions running high at this point of the book and with the many witnesses it is interesting to hear their point of view. One person says they saw a green car, which connects to Daisy because of the green light. It is also interesting to see that Daisy hit Myrtle because they are both "involved" with Tom.

    Level 3:
    I think he is trying to teach us that love, lust, dreams, recklessness, and respect can cause peoples emotions to run high and make them not think clearly.

  19. Clarifying question: How does Gatsby and Daisy's relationship change after this chapter and the death of Myrtle?

  20. Why is Daisy moving closer to Tom instead of Gatsby in only one day?

  21. How will Daisy deal with the guilt? Will she admit what she did or will she let Gatsby take the blame?

  22. What will Tom do if Gatsby takes the fall? What about Daisy? How is this Ironic?

  23. Level 1: On the way to New York, both Tom and Gatsby are driving each others car. Tom wanted to show off a car that wasn't his. I believe they purposely switched cars so Daisy would not get arrested or noticed considering it was a hit and run. There were witnesses of the car but no one saw who was driving, so this is the safest option for the time being.

    Level 2:On the way to New York, Daisy ran over Myrtle. I believe this happened because Daisy was driving carelessly and partly because of the significance this has on the story. I believe she purposely didn't stop because she is Tom's mistress and also to foreshadow what is to come if Daisy continues down that same path Myrtle went on.

    Level 3: I think Fitzgerald is trying to tell us that love will drive you to do absolutely anything no matter how crazy or ridiculous it may be. I also believe that he is trying to tell us the recklessness is tied with love because we fear of loosing someone we love so we don't think logically.


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...