Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Perfect: April 2, 2019

Focus: How does "perfection" help and hinder us?

1. Warming up with Ellen Hopkins' "Perfect"

  • 5 minutes of quickwriting
  • 5 minutes of sharing and sticky noting

2. Transitioning into our Gatsby fishbowl with these questions:
  • What is Gatsby's definition of a perfect life? How does it compare to yours?
  • What are you wondering about Gatsby's "perfect life"?
3. Enjoying Fishbowl #3: Chapters 4 and 5 of The Great Gatsby

4. Wrapping up with beautiful words and/or thoughts on this: How is Gatsby's vision of a perfect life helping him? How is it hindering him?

1. For THURSDAY: Read and journal on Chapter 6 in The Great Gatsby.

2. THIS FRIDAY MARKS THE END OF 12 WEEKS; any make-up or revised work from the past 6 weeks must be submitted before you go to bed on Friday.


  1. I think Gatsby's definition of a perfect life is one that everyone is different and he is not well known. I also think that he thinks a perfect life is one where people are optimistic and always wondering.

  2. I think Gatsby's definiton of a perfect life is being able to follow his dreams and his dream is following his love of partying and finding that perfect girl and having her live next door to him.

  3. What has influenced Gatsby idea of a perfect life?

    1. I think that Gatsby has been influence by money and a luxurious lifestyle. I still think that he is trying to find something to complete his perfect life, but he doesn't seem to know what it is

    2. I think the fact that he has lost so much like his family back in San Francisco and he has gone through so much in the war so now he wants to live a perfect life or the life that everyone else thinks is perfect.

  4. I think that Gatsby's perfect life is having Daisy and I wonder if he thinks until he "gets her back" that his life won't be perfect.

  5. I believe gatsby's vision of a perfect life is being known but also not wanting the fame. And that all people should live out and have no regrets. I believe that not having regrets is the perfect life.

  6. I think Gatsby's definition of a perfect life is somewhere along the lines of everyone is different and has their own unique characteristics and their own dreams.

  7. I think Gatsby's definition of a perfect life is living with high status and wealth.

  8. I think that the definition of perfect to Gatsby is that he wants to see how genuine people can be. How "out there" they can get with the right motivation, happiness and acceptance.

    1. I would have to disagree. In my opinion, Gatsby is in a way, manipulative. He is able to keep his life on the surface well known, but deep down nobody knows him. With this he is able to gain peoples trust and use them.

  9. I think Gatsby's idea of a perfect life is just being happy with the things you have and content with what you're doing, to follow your dreams and get the things you dream to have.

  10. (pg 95-96) Gatsby defines a perfect life by just being with the person he loves which is Daisy. Just hearing the sound of her feverish warm voice was a dream to him and filled him with emotions.

  11. I think in Gatsby's perfect life he wants to still be luxuriously wealthy but very discreet and quiet life so that he isn't always bombarded with people gazing in awe of him.

  12. "I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford, because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years." Gatsby's definition of perfect is having great accomplishments. Letting everyone know that he is better than them build up his self esteem and makes him feel like he is superior and perfect compared to everyone else.

  13. Gatsby's definition is Not one person is the same and everyone has a different story behind the facade they put up, just like him who seems like an ideal wealthy man but has so much more to him. My idea of a perfect life is being able to be my full true self with no consequences or things in the way

  14. I think Gatsby's definition of a perfect life is where he follows his dreams and finds the perfect girl while not being well known.

  15. I think that Gatsbys idea of a perfect life is makeing people happy as he seems to throw these partys for outher people rather than himself.

  16. I think Gatsby's perfect life is with Daisy and a lot of money

  17. I think Gatsby's definition of perfection is represented as Daisy with her charismatic and joyful.

  18. On page 83 why do you think that they are being very distant about bringing Tom into things? It is near the bottom of the page.

  19. I think Gatsby conjures ideas in his mind of what he wants in life that would be perfect for him. However, when these things come to reality they are never as good as they seemed.

  20. I think that Gatsby is trying to live a perfect life now becuse maybe he fells left out from when he was younger and he wants to have everything and do everything that he might have missed out on from before. One thing that shows that he wants kind of a perfect life is when he was meeting Nick and picking him up. "At nine o'clock, one morning late in July, Gatsby's gorgeous car lurched up the rocky drive to my door and gave out a burst of melody from its three-noted horn."

    1. I think that he also is trying to live a perfect life in order to impress Daisy so he has his big house a nice car and huge parties that everyone goes to.

  21. What role does Daisy play in Gatsby's definition of a "perfect life"? Is she the center of it, or is she just one of the pieces?

    1. I think that Daisy is the center part of it. He seem to always be restless, moving around, or throwing parties. I think that in order for him to be truly happy he wants his Daisy back. He throws all these parties, stays sober, and seems like he is waiting for someone to show. I think that that person is Daisy. She is the perfect woman to him and he never wants to let her go.

    2. I think that Daisy is Gatsby's perfect life. He went through all this trouble to just see her and talk with her again. I think Daisy makes Gatsby a perfect man, and she holds him accountable.

    3. I think that Daisy is one of the center parts of Gatsby's life but I don't think that Daisy is the definition of Gatsby's perfect life. I think Daisy being around adds to his definition of perfect life but is not the center. I think she offers Gatsby to be himself and not this rich man who throws many parties. Why is Daisy such a big role in Gatsby's life?

    4. I think that Gatsby's perfect life would be complete if he only had Daisy because he has basically everything else for his perfect life. She is one of the big pieces to the puzzle but there are also so many other small pieces.

    5. I think she's the center of it all. Gatsby was very reserved until Daisy started becoming part of his life and he really changed and felt "perfect" after she came into his life.

  22. I respect Gatsby for what he wants and what his perfect life will look like. I don't think there is anything wrong with how he views his future, but the issue is is that he can only choose how his future goes not others. Gatsby's perfect life isn't exactly like how mine would be but I definitely would want everyone to be happy and of course have the love of my life by my side.

  23. What did Gatsby say that made him and Daisy so happy?

  24. Why does the author go so into depth with Daisy's voice on the end of chapter 5

    1. Maybe to get the reader to start thinking about Daisy's big picture role in the book and how it can maybe connect to the women in Fitzgerald's real life.

    2. I think that it really shows how obsessed Gatsby is with Daisy. He even said it at the end of chapter 5. He had thrown himself into his own illusion and her voice and every aspect of her is in it. Hearing her speak to him in reality is pobably entrancing to him and he is swept away by her.

    3. I think the author is going so in depth with Daisy voice at the end of chapter 5 because he is trying to reflect off of her personality. In the book it says "her voice is full of money" proving she is obsessed with the riches and the rich life.

  25. White is a recurring color throughout the story. This color is first mentioned in the first chapter to describe the drapes, "... blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags" before he meets Jordan and Daisy. While doesn't specifically use white pale is white. The color white in literature is usually associated with purity or innocence. The idea of innocence is more applicable to Nick and Daisy. Nick is always so awkward when he is at parties, but after his first encounter with Tom and his affair Nick’s innocence slips away. This is best represented by the line “I have been drunk just twice in my life, and the second time was that afternoon.”. Daisy is going through a similar thing. After she meets Gatsby she loses her innocence and begins to do things that she shouldn’t have like running away shortly after, or getting alcoholic drunk on her wedding night.

    1. Something I found interesting upon the color "white" is that is shown through Gatsby's house and land. Gatsby is definitely in love with Daisy ad the color of a daisy flower is white so does this have a possible connection or just a coincidence.

    2. also Daisy is always seen wearing white

    3. This is so powerful Delan! I love what you had to say about how the color white has evolved in this novel. To me white has always symbolized hope and this idea that white is perfection. The speck of dust on something white is noticeable. I think wedding dresses are white for a reason because of the symbols that the color white holds. I can see how the symbolic meaning of white has affected Daisy.

  26. On page 96, when Gatsby and Daisy were together it says "They had forgotten me, but Daisy glanced up and held out her had..." Do you think that this is trying to say that Gatsby is finally happy and has a "perfect life" now that Daisy is with him?

    1. They still have a lot of bumps in the road but I do think that they are very happy and belong with each other. When she holds out her hand, Gatsby was probably even more entranced by her and her confidence when she is with him.

  27. I think that Daisy is the center of Gatsby's perfect life because I think that after he has her then he will stop having parties because I feel that he holds parties to find the perfect girl.

    1. I agree with this as Gatsby's house is right across the dock from Daisy and by throwing these partys she will take notice and come over to his house.

  28. Gossip: One character I personally don't like is Tom Buchanan because of his affair with Myrtle as Daisy isn't quite noticed upon the situation when Gatsby has always loved Daisy and wished to treat her the right way.

  29. I think Gatsby's perfect life is being with Daisy. He has been waiting for her for a long time and he has everything he could ever want, except for one thing. That thing is Daisy. "We haven't met for many years, said Daisy, her voice as matter of fact as it could be. "Five years next November."

  30. I think Gatsby forms the perfect life around what he wants for himself but he cant do this because in reality the "perfect" life he wants to live isn't possible

  31. I think it's really interesting that Gatsby is so insecure about Daisy. He's immensely rich and there are many myths and stories of him and he seems like a very dominant personality but is very hesitant with Daisy. We see how Gatsby relies on Nick to be his support system and Nick allows him to have someone to actually open up to and bond with.

  32. A personal connection that I can make is with Nick when he always seems to be the one in the middle of two people. If I was in his shoes I probably would have told either Daisy or Gatsby to try and figure it out on their own instead of having a person in between them trying to "set them up."

  33. I think that Gatsby would have inherited some of his money, but also I think that he would have earned a lot of money from alcohol going to the fact that he lives where he lives.

  34. @Joey R
    I don't think that Gatsby is trying to use his money to win daisy over I think he is using the feeling of being free at a grand party to get her back. I also think he is showing her how he can provide happiness and be there for her with whatever she needs or wants.

  35. With all the stories about Gatsby why does no one actually look into his life? Why does no one look into where he received all this money?

    1. I think he has this vibe of "do it I dare you." He will do anything for Daisy and getting all of that money illegally or not he still has it in order to impress Daisy. He doesn't care about the money itself, all he cares about is caring for Daisy and making her happy.

  36. " I was flattered that she wanted to speak to me, because of all the other girls I admired her the most."

    What does this girl do that stands out so much to her about Gatsby?

  37. When Gatsby finally gets to meet Daisy, do you think she lived up to his expectations? Is it possible to live up to what he "stored up in his ghostly heart"?

    1. I don't think she meet his expectations, but fulfilled a part in his heart because on page 95 it says "There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams-..."

    2. This question makes me think back to the poem at the begging of class because it was just about perfection. Gatsby had this great plan of when he was going to meet daisy and how she would be so if hasn't been around her Gatsby is making assumption of their love. So over the years she might have changed and so daisy might not meet up to his expectations.

  38. While listening to Cole talk about relationship between wealth and love I began thinking about Fitzgerald's experience with love. I remember that he was denied marriage because he wasn't affluent enough. After he made it big time then he was married to Zelda.

  39. There is a quote on page 78 that says "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay." Why do you think Gatsby would buy a house across from Daisy? Do you think that is kind of odd?

  40. I think Nick doesn't go to the parties because he already has his interpretation of perfection and doesn't necessarily need the change or the partying

    1. Yeah I agree he already is happy with his own life and doesn't need to change. So then why do you think Gatsby is inviting Nick to the parties?

  41. What do you think this quote means towards Gatsby's idea of a perfect life?
    "There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams - not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion?

  42. If I were in Gatsby's shoes, I would tried to find a way to reunite with Daisy as well.

  43. How does Gatsby's idea of a perfect life relate to Fitzgerald's, the author's, idea of a perfect life?

    1. I think in some way their ideas are very similar to this idea of living a perfect life.

  44. Do you think that Daisy has been to a party and just doesn't want to tell Gatsby that because her friends and other people that she knows have been to the parties?

  45. Gossip --> I think that Daisy is a very interesting character. It would be very hard in order to be happy with the people you choose in this time period. I admire how she puts herself and her reputation on the line for Gatsby all because they are in love. She and him may now have their definitions of perfect lives together.

  46. I think that it is a little obsessive but he knows what he wants and he's letting her take her time and he's not rushing over or inviting her he just wants her to come when it's the right time.

  47. What bigger part of the book do you think the smaller characters of Klipspringer and Mr. Wolfshiem will play later on?

  48. Is Gatsby involved with the fixation of 1919 World Series? Did Gatsby's wealth come from fixing the World Series?


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...