Thursday, October 11, 2018

Dark Matter: October 11, 2018

Focus: What do Foer's characters fear? What do they do to feel safe?

1. Warming up with puzzling together the motif of "black" in grid groups

Round 1: Put a sticky note on page 284. Hold it close. Hold it far away. 
  • What does it look like? 
  • Find a quotation from this chapter that you think explains somewhat why this page looks this way (literally, why is it black?).
Round 2: Put a sticky note on page 305. Reread Stephen Hawking's letter. 
  • Look up "dark matter." How does it connect to this book?
  • Look up a summary of Hawking's A Brief History of Time. How does it connect to this book?
  • How does his letter connect to your response from Round 1?

Round 3: Everyone Oskar visited on his quest had the last name "Black." Foer could have chosen any name in the universe, but he chose to repeat the name "Black." 
  • How does this connect to the answers for Rounds 1 and 2?
Round 4: Put a sticky note on page 318. Flip back and forth between page 284, page 305, and page 318. Read over the answers to Rounds 1, 2, and 3. 
  • Make a thematic statement: What do you think Foer is up to with the concept of "Black"?

2. Enjoying our penultimate fishbowl discussion: ELIC, pages 260-306

3. Wrapping up with takeaways (for an extra challenge, work in a new tone word)

1. For MONDAY: Meet in the theater and sit together as a class.

2. For TUESDAY: Finish the book and your final journal entry. 

2. For WEDNESDAY: Bring in five items that hold significance to you (an old, printed photo, an object, something you carry around for luck, a gift you received, a letter, etc).


  1. I think he chose black because its dark like 9/11 and Dresden.

  2. does the blackness on page 284 and 318 represent the Black that was on the key?

  3. I think the author is using black so often because black normally signifies sorrow and mourn.

    1. Yes, and black could be symbolizing the sorrow and mourn Oscar is feeling about his dad's death and the struggle of finding out the meaning behind the key and the name black that his dad left behind.

  4. How is dark matter so closely related to this book?

    1. I think because there are so many tragedies in this book and it makes it dark.

    2. Dark Matter is a theory an in "invention" if you will that explains how the word we can't see works. This is mirrored by Oskar as he is constantly inventing ways that his father could have died because Oskar does't understand how.

    3. I think it is closely related to this book because of the hard times that Oskar has experienced and New York has experienced as a whole after 9/11. Also to show that not only it was a bad time in New York but is has, in the past, been a bad time for other places too like Desden.

  5. How do you think the book would have changed if it was a different last name?

    1. I think that the author put a dark spin on this book. The word black only helped that feeling of darkness setlle in. I think that if the name had changed then it would have been a more upbeat book. Maybe he would have just been trying to find the key for his dad. But he was trying to find the key to make himself closer to his dad. His dad is dead and no matter how hard it is to accept that for him, what he is doing is unhealthy.

    2. I think the book would be about something entirely different because I believe that there's a big reason for why the name is Black, and the book has been mainly revolving around oscar finding who or what the name and key means.

  6. How is dark matter connected to Oskar's thoughts? How would this affect his way of thinking?

    1. I think that dark matter can relate to oskars thoughts because maybe his thoughts are "dark".

  7. I think that the connection between dark matter and Oscar's father's death is trying to understand something that we don't know and don't know much about.

    1. I agree, I also think it can represent Oskar's deep dark pool of thoughts.

  8. With the motif of darkness, the last name black, dark matter, etc., is it possible that Oskar is the light in the darkness sense he only wears white?

    1. This could be very true. I think he is also in a very dark thought process at this point in the book.

    2. Maybe he wants to be "pure" and be able to understand how his dad died and everything like that. But I feel that he may have been putting on a show to seem ok. Because we have seen throughout the book how dark he can be to himself and others.

  9. I think the theme of black is a sign of darkness with the character when they where going through the rough time.

  10. Dark matter is defined as some as yet undiscovered subatomic particles. Is Oskars grandfather using this as figurative language to foreshadow what is yet to come?

    1. Maybe it is an explanation for Oskar's father. Dark matter cannot really be understood or anything. They will never understand why his father died or exactly where or exactly when just like daark matter cannot be thoroughly though out.

  11. I think it might have a deeper meaning for a character in the story as Foer likes to use color for symbolic meaning such as how Oskar wears only white symbolic of being innocent.

  12. The concept of Black, the last name, the crowned words on 284, the starry night on 318, and the statements about Dark matter all connect back to the key and the envelope that read "BLACK", but what does it mean in the end, the key might be for something science related maybe the 6th borough, but I think ultimately it might relate to oscar as a person and that his dad left it for him to find at the right time in his life when he's ready.

  13. I think that the concept of dark matter relates specifically to the key, and how it is a tangible thing, however no one knows where it goes.

  14. I think the dark matter symbolizes that people dont really know much about dark matter and people also don't know how to feel or how to recover from 9/11. It is just a black hole of feelings and thoughts.

    1. This can connect to Oskar's ominous mental state throughout the whole book. We know the problem is there, however, we don't exactly know all the little details around it.

  15. Black is a color of mystery, the color of the void. That is why all the people Oskar visits are related by the last name black. He is visiting these people to fill the void in his heart.

  16. I think it has to do with the complex nature of Oskars life

  17. Does Foer use the name Black because the color black reflects how Oscar feels without his dad?

    1. I think he uses black because it's how the whole book is going. For example 9/11, and dresden. I think Its also how Oskar feels. He misses his dad and he's sad and "Dark."

    2. I think this is a possibility. It could represent how dark Oskar's thoughts are at this point in the book

  18. Does the image on page 284 foreshadow something related to the key and the image on page 318?

  19. Why does Thomas still write letters to his child even though he is now dead?

    1. I think he writes them due to him thinking his child is actually born and is still there and he is acting like the father he should be

    2. Maybe it helps with the pain and hurt he still feels since the day he never saw Anna again with the child he knew about.

  20. Maybe the black key and the symbolism of black/black matter could be representing the unknown. Maybe it's just a message to Oscar that there are so many unknowns, and to keep challenging his mind with concepts and inventions.

    1. I agree but I also think that in the end the key will unlock something showing Oscar that the unknowns can be figured out.

  21. On page 284, do you think this could also represent chaos and unclear thoughts?

    1. Yes because both Oskar and Thomas are fighting internal battles and the mixing of words reflects that

    2. I think that it is a representation of how much he has to say but how much little room he has."the world is so big and small,.."(272)

    3. I think that this is a good connection. I think that chaos and unclear thoughts are also related to dark matter and how we don't fully understand it just as we don't fully understand how people mourn or get over things like 9/11 or Dresden.

  22. Oskar is always trying to find answers for things he can't explain. Dark matter is a good metaphor because there are many unanswered questions about it.

  23. Why do you think in Thomas's chapter he didn't go back and write on the pages with only two words?

    1. I think that every new page is considered a "new leaf" for him. He has been through a lot and he doesn't want any more chaos. This is how he deals with chaos by only putting one thought on each page so it is understandable and direct.

  24. On page 284 I think that this image represents Oskar's mind and how fuzzy his thinking is and how he doesn't know where he actually wants to go.

  25. Going back to black matter, I think that since that concept is still unknown, it could be relating to the fact that Thomas's death is still unknown to Oscar.

    1. It could also relate to Thomas because he never even knew his child. He only knew that he died in 9/11, and that he visited him once as a journalist.

  26. on 293 and 294, it started talking about a guy with a beard and glasses but they show the back of the guys head. Why is that?

  27. Why does Oskar bond with Abby Black so much?

    1. As we have seen, anyone with the last name black that Oskar has met has had something they are struggling with. I think Oscar can connect with these people well because he too has been through a lot and is struggling.

  28. When the grandpa was running out of room what did that signify? Was it relating to his lifetime? Was he dying or was he literally running out of paper, or was he beginning to panic and just start rushing and then not having enough paper to express what he wants.

  29. Do you think black matter could resemble the key how the answer is out there but Oskar can't see the answer just yet?

    1. I think it could represent how the answer is there but it is a 1 in a billion chance of finding that answer

  30. I think that Thomas Schell Sr. has been reduced to someone who is just going through the motions of his everyday life. I think that Oskar is allowing him to finally come alive again.

  31. The color black holds all colors, this could connect to Oskar having all the emotions, feelings. and thoughts in his head.

    1. I think that this could represent that Oskar is absorbing everything that is happening to him and is not letting anyone else in even his mom with the voice mails.

  32. on page 277 we find out that Oscars dad found Thomas but why do you think neither of them said anything to one another? Why did they not say who they are or talk about something instead of nothing?

  33. Oskar is on an unknown journey, similar to dark matter which is an unknown force.

  34. What happened to Mr. Black and why is he not at his house anymore?

  35. I think the significance behind writing that Oscar was his son, is that he never had a father to grow up with, but he was a father to Oscar and that meant a lot to him to be that father, and to have had that relationship.

  36. Do you think that Oscars is holding something back that he knows about his dads death?

  37. Why is Thomas Schell Sr. just like a character that just there in the background even though he holds a lot of significance? He isn't as important of a character as I feel he should be.

    What is Oscar trying to find deep down? Is it comfort or security. Or does he not even know what he is looking for and is just going on this unknown journey to find whatever comes his way? Like Gabe said his journey is unknown just like Dark Matter is an unknown force or substance.

    Just like his unknown journey he always seems to be searching for the unknown and is trying to make the unknown known just like scientists are searching for and trying to possess Dark Matter to make it no longer unknown but instead known.


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...