Friday, October 5, 2018

Regrouping: October 5, 2018

Focus: How can Oskar's journey help us move forward with our journeys?

1. Warming up with a 5-minute Friday freewrite:

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell

2. Taking 15-20 minutes to skim back through today's reading, catch up on a journal, or get ahead (today's fishbowl leaders can take this time to regroup)

3. Enjoying ELIC Fishbowl #4: Pages 174-207

For TUESDAY: Read through page 259 and complete your next journal entry; leaders should prepare and post their syllabus. Please see revised fishbowl syllabi below:


  1. What was the author's purpose for including the atomic bombings in Japan?

    1. Maybe to relate another tragedy to tie the Desden Bombing and 9/11 into the bigger picture to show that things like this happen all over the world.

  2. Why are the words scattered across the page on page 204?

    1. I think it just resemembles that they can't get their thoughts straight and maybe there's some spots where there's some words that you can fill in

    2. I think that someone is talking to the mom about Oskar and he is hearing different parts of the conversation.

  3. Why does Gramma want to keep Thomas away from the rest of the family?

    1. The family has a pretty dark history. It could be possible that his family is just trying to protect him from the harshness of the world

  4. I agree with Gabe that that he left her because they were not really in love and more of friends

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    2. Like Oskar's grandparents Mr.Black and Oskar are lost within their grievances and support each other by going through this journey. Mr. Black is like a father figure for Oskar and Oskar is the child that Mr.Black never had. On page 158 on Mr.Black's card it's states Husband. Husband in wanting to have a family, but Mr. Black's wife unfortunately died so Oskar fills in the role.

  6. "When the man left, your grandfather took out his camera and started takingg more pictues. What are you doing?"(174 Foer) was the grandfather taking pictures in order to sculpt them or to get a different prespective in life?

    1. I think it becuase he is afraid of loseing things as they were takeing pictures in case something in their apartment got broken so that it could be fixed.

    2. I feel like the grandfather was trying to protect his family and did not want to anything to happen to what he has built and what he has worked so hard on.

  7. On page 193 Foer says "I counted off seven minutes that night, and then fourteen minutes, and then thirty. I knew I'd never be able to fall asleep, because I was so excited that the next day I'd be able to search for the lock. I started inventing like a beaver." Do you think that Oskar is becoming his old self again?

    1. I think that he has become so wrapped up in this "search" for this key that he is distracted from the real world. He has also wrapped up many people in his search and touched many other peoples lives while on his adventure.

  8. How is Oskar connecting characters to a bigger picture of finding the key?

  9. "I regret that it takes life to learn how to live" (Foer 184), what is the meaning of this quote/

    1. I think that it means it takes someone close to you to die to realize how important life is and how fast it can get taken away.

    2. I think that he was saying it sucks to have to be in life in order to figure out how to live it because you waste more that half of your life trying to live right.

    3. I don't understand why people have to suffer and we then have to "learn" from there mistakes when really people find it easier to suffer like they did.

  10. What was the authors point in including the Hiroshima bombing?

    1. I think maybe something that older people reading this book can relate to.

  11. Early in the chapter "My Feelings" the grandmother says-
    "I went to the guest room and pretended to write. I hit the spacebar again and again and again. My life story was spaces.
    The days passed one at a time. And sometimes less than one at a time." (Foer 176)
    What is the significance of the spaces that she says her life is made up of? Are they referring to the same life over and over again or nothing happening in her life? I feel like the slow days also connect to the spaces very similarly.

    1. I think the spaces represent her not really knowing her purpose because on page 176 it says "He needed to get things for me, just as I needed to get things for him. It gave us a purpose." Helping someone you don't truly love isn't really a purpose so I think the spaces are there because she isn't really living up to her full potential

  12. I think the spaces in the grandma's narrative are symbolic of her personality and how she is kind of scattered.

  13. Why did Mr. Black all of the sudden agree to go out and find people with Oskar after he hasn't left of years?

    1. Maybe because after Oskar turned on his hearing aids he wanted to experience life in his own way again. It sounds like he wanted to stop time because he didn't want his wife to be dead even though she was. So he stayed inside and away from life so "time would stop."

  14. What is the purpose for 9/11, Dresden, and Hiroshima being in the book? What is the author trying to say?

    1. I think the purpose is to see there are a lot of tragedies and there will be different outcomes to all of these

  15. Why did Mr.Black lie to Oskar about what he was saying in spanish?

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  17. Dis Oscar's dad know Agnis Black?

  18. Fishbowl #4 notes
    From experience, I know people take pictures of things in their house, maybe he was just taking extra precautions to see if things were broken.
    Kind of like Oscar.
    Grandmother feels guilty from collecting all his letters, house got destroyed and letters signified remembering the house.
    Door Knobs are like the motif of the story and like opening and closing people in and out of your life. Like Oscar when he was about to open the door for his mom. It’s a way to show connection and relationships.
    Grandmother didn’t write on the typewriter because it may have been too hard to relive and remember.
    Kind of explains her narrative and that her life is spaces. Cool because the grandfather is the opposite with no spaces and continuous writing. Feel hopeful about the relationship, work like puzzle pieces intertwining.
    It was opening to another door or like another way through on page 178. Talking about what it means.
    You usually take pictures of things you want to remember, maybe the grandfather didn’t take pictures of the grandmother and maybe didn't want to remember her.
    To hard for him to see that and look back and see her and feel very broken.
    If you're thinking it’s kind of cold of him to leave you will get his side in the next reading.
    Does the grandmother let out the animals to symbolize releasing their relationship go, went and didn’t come back like Thomas and the animals.
    Oscar is at a point where he is mentally breaking down and mocking his actual feeling about the situation and wants it to be over.
    Hiroshima and Oscar’s situation relate because of the tragedies they brought on.
    Oscar asked a question about why people kill each other, showing different perspectives of Hiroshima and we think it’s a win but to hear people’s stories how horrible it was.
    Oscar was interested in the statistics of the event rather than the tragedy and questioned how it was possible.
    The parallel of 9/11 and bombing of Dresden, patterns are unfortunately not unique.
    Page 189, the color white protected things, Oscar dressed in white, way to protect himself.

  19. -1st question 174-175 why did the grandfather want to keep everything in order took picture of doorknobs, and broken things inside the closet and underside the mirrors
    -2nd question: Doorknobs. Why were they so specific?
    I took it as a motif as well. Oskars grandma and grandpa had a nothing space and the door was the way to close off the rest of the world.
    -3rd question-176 we find out she can actually see, why didn't she write her past then?
    She hit the spacebar again and again, “my life is spaces” the grandma says, and in the book there is a lot of spaces in her writing, but in the grandfathers writing it's all together. No punctuation, or paragraphs. Could be a symbolization between writing and life.
    -4th question: grandma talks about getting pregnant, the doorknob separates the page. Should we take that literally or figuratively?
    The doorknob gave her another life. The door helps break the rule of having no kids and it opens the way to a new life. New rule.
    -5th question: He never takes pictures of the grandma. Why?
    You usually take pictures of things you want to remember and maybe Thomas didn't want to remember the grandma, but only remember Anna. Maybe he thought that she was just a replacement of Anna, but couldn’t live without some image of anna still with him.
    181- There were things that I wanted to tell him, but I buried them and let them hurt me instead of him.”
    What if she is scared that he doesn’t love her, but she loves him.
    The grandmas storyline is so sad, she is jealous of her sister, has a bombing, and has to watch her family die, moves to america, finds Thomas, gets into a relationship with him, gets married, then gets pregnant, then he decides to leave her. Her story isn’t getting any better.
    6th question: Why does she let the animals free?
    She's not only releasing all the animals, but also her love for thomas. SHe was seeing of the animals would come back, maybe thomas would too.
    -7th question: why does the chapter title happiness happiness, have that title when it starts off super sad? Maybe it's his way of saying that things aren’t getting better, but they might?
    -8th question: WHy is Oskar giving a report on a topic of dark stuff and presses the stop button but continues talking. Is there a relationship between the bombing at hiroshima and his father's death?
    Its an optimistic was of showing it, but she can’t see he’s learning from his father's death. He can't see it yet though.
    189-” I thought that if the world could see what I saw we would never have war again, Oskar feels the same way.
    -9th question :Has he come to the realization that his father is gone?

  20. Why did Mr. Black want to keep the conversation secret and speak in spanish so that Oskar couldn't hear the conversation? Is Oskar's dad putting him up to this task so that he will connect with new people and become more sociable? Is Mr. Black trying to forget about his dead wife by staying inside and not doing anything at all?

  21. Is it possible that Oskar father knew who Angis Black was? What could the possible relationship be?

  22. Did Mr.Black feel a strong connection with Oskr? I think he definitely feels something because he left the house to help Oskar even though he hasn't left the house in years.

  23. Does anyone else think it is weird that the grandmother would not allow Thomas to come by? Why is she avoiding him?


Stand Up and Speak! May 20 or 23, 2019

Focus:  What do we want each other to understand better or differently? 1. Warming up with your  American Lit stats 2. Speaking and List...