Tuesday, October 2, 2018

People Who Share the Name "Black": October 2, 2018

Focus: What role do the minor characters play in Oskar's journey?

1. Warming up with some visits to everyone named "Black":
  • Flip through Oskar's chapters and list everyone he's visited so far named "Black."
  • For each person, write one word that indicates your initial perception or Oskar's first impression of this character (one-word biography style).
  • IF APPLICABLE...Then cross it out, and write down your final perception or Oskar's shifted impression of this character.

2. Combining partnerships to form groups of four and compare answers
  • Why is each Black significant to Oskar's journey? What does each one help him question or understand differently?
  • What do all of the Blacks have in common? 
3. Reading and conferencing on ELIC

1. For WEDNESDAY: Read and journal on pages 174-207; leaders should prepare their syllabus.

2. For FRIDAY: Read pages 208-259 in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; complete your journal entry. This is longest reading assignment you will have, spread it out across two nights. Also, you will have 20-30 minutes of reading time on Th and Fri to help you stay caught up without stressing you out.

If you miss a Fishbowl or Socratic, you must make it up. Read over the syllabus and blog comments, then add an extended comment to the class blog. 

No vocabulary or grammar this week.

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