1. Warming up with a short overview of "The Falling Man"
2. Discussing "The Falling Man" in small groups
- Some people found this image disturbing and disrespectful. Others said that this part of story 9/11 needed to be told. What do you think?
- In a documentary on this image, one woman claims that this man brings comfort to those who lost loved ones on 9/11. She said that they can see this image and think, "Maybe that's _____." What do you think she meant by this?
- What role does this image play in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close? Flip through images throughout the novel and consider the motifs of flying and falling. To what extent does this image disturb Oskar, and to what extent does it bring comfort to him?
3. Reading ELIC and conferencing with me on your journals
1. For MONDAY: Meet in the theater and sit together as a class.
2. For TUESDAY: Finish the book and your final journal entry.
3. For WEDNESDAY: Bring in five items that hold significance to you (an old, printed photo, an object, something you carry around for luck, a gift you received, a letter, etc).
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